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TraCIM Service

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Getting started with TraCIM

PTB’s TraCIM service provides a selection of test data sets to validate evaluation algorithms for metrological software. All tests are automated. To help you find and conduct the test suitable for your needs, the following information can guide you. We provide manuals for each test offered and example test clients as well. These pieces of software show you how test data are submitted and in which data format the test results shall be transmitted via a client. Such clients are required for automatic software validation.

To use the TraCIM service, it requires your registration. Please select from the menu and follow the instructions. Once registered you will need to validate your e-mail address. Activating your account might take up to a few days. On activation you will be notified by e-mail.
You can and should edit your account information to keep it up to date. To do so, hover over and click .
There is some information concerning the invoicing you should check and update if required, at least before ordering a paid test:
  1. VAT (Valued Added Tax) number, required for all customers from the EU
  2. An additional postal address to be used for invoicing. If no additional address is provided, we will use the main contact address.
  3. An e-mail address for electronic invoicing: By adding an address here you consent to receiving invoices via e-mail only (as PDF).
    If no e-mail address is provided, we will send the invoice on paper via post.
Using our services
Logging into your account grants you access to the tab. Here you can order and manage the tests found in .
If you would like to use a service, you have to place an order first. Most services also include the access to one set of free sample data to familiarize yourself with the process before paying for the test. The test produces a example draft report as PDF for you in order to check the correct import of meta data (applicant, software etc.). In case of a paid test, you will get individual, slightly different test data for each test process. A signed and sealed official test report on paper will be sent to you after a successfully completed test procedure receipt of full payment. There are two ways to order a test:
  1. Click to view our current offering, choose your desired service and click for a detailed overview from which you can order directly.
  2. Hover over and click . Here you can choose the desired service using the drop down menu.
After completing the order using the corresponding button (free or paid) you will receive an invoice in case of a paid test. Paid tests will be activated after we sent the invoice. Your orders can be viewed in .
Software workflow
For detailed information, please consult the manuals available as PDF on the services’ pages for each individual test. Your software under test (or an interface software) must send the order key by using REST (see manual). The TraCIM system will send test data in XML format, containing also a process key, which is used as reference for all further procedures. Your software must calculate the results according to the computational aims, pack it into XML, and transmit it back to the TraCIM server. The TraCIM system will check your results against the reference results and will return a test report. In case of a successfully completed paid test, the report will contain a draft version of the test report (PDF format).
As an alternative to the communication via the REST API you can download the test data and upload the results as XML file on .